OBWhatsApp V59.5 Download 2024 | ob whatsapp update

obwhatsapp download 2024 , the official website and the official page for downloading, updating and downloading WhatsApp umar annabi, with the latest version against the ban.

WhatsApp Omar update Hide the last appearance in Umar WhatsApp Al-annabi ob whatsapp , it’s a different and new version of the original WhatsApp.

 obwhatsapp V59.5 download 2024 Latest Version 

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Last Version ob whatsapp Omar annabi apk V59.5

OBWhatsapp apk update 2024

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note: You must make sure that the version you want to update from Umar WhatsApp annabi bears the same name obwhatsapp update as well as the same color so that you do not lose your conversations.

Features of Obwhatsapp apk update

This version features WhatsApp annabi  the latest version, obwhats app Among the additions to the WhatsApp update Omar.

  1. WhatsApp base update new version.
  2. ‏Addition: A group message feature has been added to groups in a new way and with the same old design.
  3. ‏Adding new interfaces, including the One UI Design interface.
  4. ‏Added a new default theme (Day/Night).
  5. ‏Add an option to change the tone of incoming and outgoing messages (Additions and Properties > Notifications).
  6. ‏Added an option to change the start and stop tone of the audio recording (Additions and Features > Notifications).
  7. ‏Added feature to hide archive messages (Home Screen > Lines).
  8. ‏Adding several options for the floating button inside the conversations (you can change the color and hide the button).
  9. ‏Add new designs to the Instagram cases style.
  10. ‏Added Navigation Effects feature.
  11. ‏Add the feature to create a group video chat (from the calls tab, then press the floating button below the Delete Call History button.
  12. ‏Add the option to display the name of the admin in groups.
  13. ‏ Added an option to disable Show More.
  14. ‏Add Urdu language.
  15. ‏Adding the feature to copy texts from conversations has been activated automatically.
  16. ‏Add the feature to hide unimportant and recent cases, as well as cases that have been viewed.
  17. ‏Adding a new design to the way to add a status via Instagram style.
  18. ‏You can now forward messages to more than 1000 people.
  19. ‏Adding a new design to the bottom navigation bar styles.
  20. ‏Improving the feature of displaying quick conversations and adding an option to change the location of the conversations.
  21. ‏Added a new design to the question when activating options (flight mode, day/night mode).
  22. ‏Add moving the name automatically in the upper bar if it is long.
  23. ‏Adding the flight button will give a pulse signal if it is enabled
  24. ‏Adding color options to the Instagram statuses.
  25. ‏Add a new shape to the floating button with the ability to hide the button and show it from the add-ons and properties > chat screen.
  26. ‏Improved the number of status characters to more than 700 characters
  27. ‏Improved translation feature.
  28. ‏ Note The translation feature within conversations requires the installation of the Google Translator program.
  29. ‏Fixed an issue where an image did not appear next to the media bubble in groups.
  30. ‏Fix the flight button and day/night mode not disappearing on the groups page.
  31. ‏Fixed crash issue when using auto reply and message scheduling.
  32. ‏Fix the problem of changing the style of the bottom platform when entering the conversations screen and then the style of the bottom platform.
  33. ‏Fixed bottom navigation bar issues with Arabic language interface.

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